Academic Portfolio

This page holds a sample of different academic works that I have written. 

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Photo by mtcurado/iStock / Getty Images

U.S. Basing Overseas- What do the Current Trends Show

This thesis is concerned with the changing nature of U.S. basing structure overseas. This basing structure has been changing dramatically since the end of the Cold War. The changes that are occurring though are not uniform across all the different regions and countries that are hosting U.S. military bases. Because of this lack of uniformity, the existing theories and explanations cannot sufficiently explain why these changes are occurring and what they mean. What this thesis finds is that no single theory or explanation is enough for understanding the changing basing structure. What is needed is the use of different combinations of these theories to explain the different changes in certain regions and countries.

Photo by Jorisvo/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Jorisvo/iStock / Getty Images



The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Mauris id fermentum nulla. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper.





Photo by guvendemir/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by guvendemir/iStock / Getty Images

Military Effectiveness - Egypt During the October War

During the Six Day War, the world was surprised at how poorly Egyptian military performance was. In 1973, the world was again surprised at the improvements that were seen in the country’s military performance during the October War.  This paper seeks to understand which theoretical perspective is the most suited to explaining the country’s performance during that war. With that goal in mind, this paper will summarize the main theoretical frameworks used to understand military effectiveness. Then, certain developments and incidents that occurred in Egypt’s military performance and organization will be summarized and categorized under the specific theories that are best at explaining them. 

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Photo by georgeclerk/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by tzahiV/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by tzahiV/iStock / Getty Images

Westphalian Sovereignty and Military Bases

The existence of military bases or foreign troop presence in a country on a long-term basis is an anomaly in international law and contravenes the principle of state sovereignty. Unlike embassies, diplomatic missions and envoys, all of which have long histories and are enshrined in international law, these military bases bases are not codified in law and are instead created on an ad-hoc basis between countries.



Assessing China and India’s Great Powers Status from a Realist Perspective

At the end of the Cold War, the United States was left as the only super power in the world. Some have argued that this new ‘unipolar’ state of the international system was a passing moment that would not last long, while other have argued that this new status of the US as the unipole would be more durable and long lasting than otherwise predicted. As the world entered the new millennium, the US remained the most powerful state in the world. As time progressed though, it became clear that the position the US maintained would not be permanent as other countries began to grow economically, taking up larger and larger portions of the global GDP, in what has been termed ‘the rise of the rest’.